Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"More of Tour 2......"

Yesterday's photo of the hot air balloons, kites, etc. was taken as we entered the huge room from up in one of the corners.  From there we followed a slowing descending ramp around the room until we got to the main floor.  Don took this photo of a Burma Shave slogan (which we may have seen when we were just kids when driving with our families)     as we walked by........

On the floor of this huge room, were various horse drawn carriages.  This was one of the largest.  Yes, those are damp patches on my shirt.  House on the Rock may have a great AC system, but with something as extensive with so many rooms and hallways, it just couldn't keep up, which made the temperature a bit higher than usual, but still MUCH cooler than what the temperature was outside.

I had never seen a "steam-driven hearse" before!  It is kind of ominous looking, isn't it?

This cars license plate said 35 PACK, so I'm "assuming" it is a 1935 Packard.  It is beautiful......

After leaving this huge room, we followed more small winding hallways which had more automated "orchestras".

"Over the top" just doesn't really do justice to what we saw.......

"Gaudy" or "garish", maybe?  ;)

After passing through the "orchestras", it led us to a room centered around aviation.  There were several display cases of historical articles underneath all of these model planes......

One of the display cases really "dated my childhood".  The shelf on the left hand side, right above the small white cooler, is from the 1950's.  Those bottles are the ones I (and Don) grew up with.

Tomorrow, the end of Tour 2.........

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